User Guides

Explore instructional videos on how to perform functions on the system.

How to Use
the System

Getting Started

Learn how to onboard and set up your school for the very first time in the self service platform.

Creating School Settings

Learn how to add classes, subjects, semesters, color themes, scorecard themes etc.

Managing Users

Learn how to register staff roles and Users to the system and to implement user authorisation and access control.

Managing Students

Learn how to onboard students, edit students data, delete data and approve student self services updates.

Managing Classrooms

Learn how to assign teachers to classes, create and assess homeworks, record student class attendance & participation.

Subject/Course Management

Learn how to create and edit subjects, assign subjects to teachers and to classes, split subjects.

Manage Scorecard

Learn how to post scores by subjects or by students or by classroom and how to generate class mastersheets.

Bursary & Fee

Learn how to create and edit school fees, enable online payments, analyse accounts settlements etc.

School Calendar

Learn how to create and edit lecture timetables, events calender, tests and exam timetables etc.

Grades & Assement Logic

Learn how to create and edit grades for classes and how to setup criterias for rewarding or promoting students

Computer Based Tests

Learn how to create tests, add questions and, view students performance and add cbt scores to scorecards.

School Clinic

Learn how to create student health records and to follow up on issues / complaints.

Managing Lodges

Learn how to create lodgings and to checkin and checkout students into and out of hostels.

School Bus

Learn how to record students route and to navigate the town the most economical way.

Digital Library

Learn how to create library, add e-books and hard-books to library, use library, manage book loans etc.

Internal Messaging

Learn how to use the iskorr internal mailing service to communicate between staff, teachers and students.


Learn how to upload images, videos, other graphical contents, and text on your school's external facing website.

Public Relations

The PRO feature allow user send birthday wishes in form of text messages, quick access to student history, id-card generation etc.


Learn how to generate dozens of reports and charts on the platform; from scorecard class reports to fee payment reports etc.

Students Portal

Watch video on how to login to the student portal and do homeworks, use the library, view scorecards, do computer based tests etc.

Invoices and Subscriptions

Step by step guide on how renew subscriptions, generate invoices, top-up account balances, and view previous payment receipts...