
Features of the iSkorr Application.

Student Data Management

Ensuring that student data is efficiently managed is crucial for any educational institution. Our platform provides a comprehensive solution for managing student information. From maintaining centralized student profiles to customizable fields, our system allows you to keep track of every detail relevant to your students' academic journey.

Centralized Student Profiles:

Our platform offers a centralized database for storing all student information. From basic details like names and contact information to academic records and disciplinary history, everything is organized in one place for easy access.

  • Efficiently manage student information in a centralized database.
  • Access Controls: Define user roles and permissions to control access to sensitive staff data.

Our platform allows you to customize fields in student profiles, ensuring that you capture the information that matters most to your institution. Whether it's tracking extracurricular activities, medical history, or special accommodations, our system adapts to fit your requirements.